Thursday, August 21, 2008

The Village Called....

I’m completely intrigued by those who say they need help or assistance for something and assume that you will just drop what you are doing to help them out. Even after I emailed this person step by step instructions, I received an email basically saying ‘thank you for doing this for me, here is what I need”. Uh no hon, sorry, I’ll give you the bare bones so to speak and you can do the rest, that is what you get paid for. Because if my job title said what yours said I would be doing a different job all together and that is not what I signed up to do. I’m here to help – not to hand hold. The best answer I could have given was “I don’t know how” but that would be lying and if it was our resident idiot I would have lied and said I didn’t have access. Amazing how people are supposed to be in charge of redeveloping sites and posting information and putting together forms, and they claim they have no access or ‘don’t know how”. Lazy.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Step by step instructions doesn't cut it anymore, you must use visual signs and signals...such as flash cards with circles, squares, and pretty colors.