Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Vegas: What happens in Vegas....

5 women, 2 beds, 1 cot, 1 handicap shower, 3 keys, 3 games, 2 cold nights, many bad calls, 2 days without sleep, 2 red eyes, 1 Bang Bang, 1 bachelorette party pole dancer, 2 weddings, 1 phone number (that I know of), coffee with a handsome stranger, 2 rollercoaster rides, 1 bad Italian Restaurant, 6+ shots of Yager and Red Bull, 2 unsuspecting video game dancers, 5 dirty minds, 3 crepes, 1 ride to top of Eiffel Tower, a proposal or two, Eddie Munster, ½ of a new Jennifer Cruise book, Bryan who was so annoying we wanted to shove the roulette ball down his throat, 1 JLo, 1 Alabama Slamma, 1 Smirnoff with Grenadine, 2 cases of Miller Lite, 3 guys Natalie yelled at at some brewery, 2 guys Shirley scared at the airport, 12 hours Dawn didn’t gamble (that we know of), 1 gondola ride, 5 hotels Natalie took house money from, 7+ souveniers purchases, 16+ pictures taken, many text messages, unlimited amount of men Joanne saw in Zoot Suits, 5 hours exploring alone, 1 Carrie Underwood song sung on the strip, 5 In and Out Burgers with Fries, 14 pages I’ve written during this trip and 3 broken nails.

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