Sunday, February 18, 2018

Now Boarding

When I travel, I people watch in the airport, I am well aware of my surroundings for obvious reasons.  I watch, I take note, I listen and then while waiting to board after a 40 minute flight delay I write things down.

  • The whistler with Burberry jacket has 2 carry ons, one carry on that is most likely older than I am.  He is pacing, he hates lines.  He is whistling what sounds to me like a Frank Sinatra song ‘in other words please be true, in other words I love you.’
  • The IT woman, who takes up the entire back row of seats against the window at the restaurant to spread out her items, her laptop, her purse, for a conference call.  Yes, I heard everything.
  • The Jersey haters who imported to California
  • The woman who is sitting on the airport floor plugged in and on the phone, the same woman who took forever to find her seat on the plane and get her stuff out of her carry on before she sat down.
  • The phone scroller
  • The guy in line who wants to make eye contact to complain to someone to join his cause
  • The guy who starts stretching his calves in line against the windows.
  • The other guy in line who sees this, starts to stretch against his carry on luggage.
  • The chatty Kathy - the one who needs to talk to someone in line.
  • I’m realizing now that its too late to get out of line and get another drink.
  • The guy who was trying to leave the airport since this morning, how do I know this, he told the story to three different people who were willing to listen.
  • The conversation I wish I didn’t overhear when the guy said he wore the same underwear on this flight back because it didn’t matter since he was going home.
  • The Richard Dryfus doppleganger

I am beside myself with the twitches, the habits, the need to talk to break complete silence in a line of strangers, the need to make small talk with someone you may not even be sitting next to on the plane.  The need to find others to join your cause, the need to take up the space in the waiting time in line.  Keep doing it, because I’m the girl with the notepad taking notes, listening to what’s around her and using it on her blog.

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