It’s amazing what can fit in my car for a weekend in AC, its
also amazing how I can overpack. I’m usually so organized, picking outfits out
that mix and match, along with shoes, but this time I brought way too much for
the Annual Girls Weekend. That’s just
what is was and has been for the last 4 years, the annual girls trip for
married, single, divorced, separated ladies.
Cheap therapy with your gal pals that is not limited to dropping a few
$20s in a slot machine and sucking down a few cranberry and vodkas while
discussions of children, hoo-hahs and men are not hushed. Always that time of year to look forward to,
I don’t know why any girls weekend or girls night is frowned upon. Well, those of you that do, shame on you. You have no idea what quality time with your
gals away from your family or ‘kid free’ as an Angel put it, will do for your
health. It’s that break you look forward
to, that reconnecting with your friends once a year to make new memories, play
catch up, share photos, drink Starbucks and most of all have fun. With that said on to our next adventure.
Within the first few minutes of dropping the bags in the
room and venturing out to find food we were approached by a tall ‘Irish’
Bostonian (with an Irish accent) who couldn’t have been more than 25 and been
my brother. He of course, targeted me,
the one who looks the most Irish out of the group. Claiming he was with a group of 14 guys, all
of which were ‘crashing in the room’ he tried desperately to find out where we
were going that night. The guy did not
waste time, he even had a ‘young lad’ with him.
Being the smart ones we are, we deflected the question and he went on to
ask if we were all single, trying to get our ‘lucky charms’. Of course we answered honestly but he
insisted he obtain one of our numbers.
So I not-so-kindly started to walk away and said “We’ll see you later”
which in fact we did not.
We move on to bar hop, to celebrate a birthday, which if you
are celebrating a birthday make sure the bartender knows. You get better service that way, and if he’s
cute he’ll pay attention. The sports bar
we ended up in had a huge cast of characters including firemen who didn’t have
a calendar and Frodo who was their mascot.
Through a few winks and smiles, and men that seemed to only wink at our
birthday girl and not have anything else to say we moved on to a late night fix
of pizza, cheesesteaks and a grilled cheese.
Unfortunately this place was nothing like our infamous 4 am ‘noodle bar’
and Senor Pizza wasn’t back until noon.
How can you have pizza on the menu if the gourmet pizza chef only works
half the day?
Finding a spot for five of us on the beach amongst families
and those with children, away from anything that resembled the French guy in a
speedo was a little difficult, but not unattainable. We just had to pick the right spot, to be
able to see everything and not offend anyone because we do not have a filter –
there is no censor as to most adult conversations anywhere in public. We had our SPF, our magazines, and in full
agreement that the word ‘selfie’ was entirely worn out by this time. We just continued to take silly beach
‘selfies’ of ourselves in between flipping the pages of SHAPE magazine. Now
the Beach Bar was a minor let down, our favorite bartenders no longer were
there to serve one of us that killer drink.
We’ve had numerous occasions of ‘one woman down’ after drinking
here. Meaning at least one of us didn’t
survive making it back out of the room at night after drinking one of their
mixed drinks. I was one of them one year, and vowed never to do that
again. I missed an entire evening! I’m still trying to understand the wardrobe
malfunctions I saw, along with the ‘wolverine’ look alikes that paraded around
holding their plastic fishbowl drinks.
How could their friends let them leave the house like that? That’s where I come in with a camera..yup,
smile, or don’t smile, you made the blog or at least your sneakers did.

The guy I really wanted the picture of was
wearing a suntan of a wife-beater with a sailor hat on. Still wondering about that one – did he lose
a bet? We drank, we danced, we had fun,
we even met a Peyton Manning look-alike who left his bachelor party drunk in
the room to have a drink with adults. The
Angels thank you Mr. Best Man for the shot.
That was the highlight at the bar, unless you take the suggestion from
the bartender to ‘not order the dirty banana’ while watching the ‘situation’
look alike get tossed out. Who gets
tossed from the beach bar at 3 in the afternoon? I seem to have a lot of questions on this trip…but
at least we’re not ‘babysitting’ like previous years.
After getting all prettied up and looking fabulous we head
to dinner where I seem to be the only one taking notes watching another table which
seems to be a bachelorette party (who would have guessed) actually hold up
their food (with their fingers) to take pictures of it. Chicken must be made differently in their
town I guess. We score a limo ride for
the price of a taxi to Harrah’s Pool, we were riding in style - see saying its
‘someone’s birthday’ can get you places.
This is where it got interesting.
We got a discount at the door because we were all over 30, the club
where I’ll never pay money to get into again because their DJ was
horrible. We also learned never give a
camera to anyone under 25 to take a group picture, because he got down on one
knee and shot up at us. Dumbass. No one got free drinks that night, not even
the birthday girl. But this is just the
beginning as we all split up in groups to scour the place. Three of us found observing a table of two
guys, one wearing a suit all by themselves sharing bottle service to be
interesting. Think Chris Farley and
Channing Tatum sharing a bottle service table by themselves. Um hum. In
looking for the other Angels we ventured to the rooftop, which was a smoking
lounge with couches and places to sit. We
sat for a while only to be approached by a guy who wanted us to guess his
nationality. Really? Is that all you
got? He was nicely dressed I’ll give him that, and when he asked if he could
sit down, I smack myself now for allowing it as he tried to sit on my lap. His stay was short lived since he was
spitting on me as he spoke about being an Egyptian and living in the
palace. See we think quick, we go with a
plan, and when he asked us for our names it went like this: “Valerie, Jane, and
I’m Married, thanks but we have to go find our friends.” Yup…at least that part
was the truth.
From bad pickup lines such as ‘would you dance with those
Chippendale Dancers?’ to horrible music this night couldn’t have gotten any
worse for our eyes and ears. We
encountered at the next bar a girl bent over puking at her table with her
friend holding her hair back, someone
else with her boyfriend wearing prison stripes that if she didn’t pull her
skirt down a bit more we would be able to tell what brand of panties she was or
wasn’t wearing. Apparently we missed the
memo that prison stripes were the rage now since I could count on both hands
the amount of people wearing them, and that includes the amount of men in
Salmon colored shirts, oh and don’t forget the guy wearing the pink pants. Whether they wore them well is a different
story. And would someone please tell
these girls to keep their shoes on when they use the public restroom? How gross!
I wonder if the girl we saw in the lobby, who looked like she was tossed
out of her room with her bag did. She
was sitting on the floor in the middle of the lobby, on her phone when we heard
in a half-crying-upset voice , “You left me in the bathroom for 3 hours!” HAHA!
I was amazed how many people asked us if she was okay out of concern, my
response, “She’s not in our party, not our problem”. She clearly had a phone so
she could find her way home or better yet, call her parents to come get
her. I guess if you were hitting on my
boyfriend I would have left you there too.
Amongst the ridiculous amount of bachelorette parties that
we passed and our ‘Congratulations,
don’t let her eat the cake’ remarks to the bachelor parties (although no one
seems to understand that, but we warned them) we had fun laughing at all those
women dressed up to the nines who can’t walk in their shoes. Yes we’re laughing at you because we know
better. We also laugh at men who sit together (and
take pictures of them), men who sit together with a chair in between them (huh?), men who look like Hermie the Dentist that
order Bloody Mary’s at 4 in the afternoon.
Last but not least I’d like to give a shout out to the girl, who I
mistakenly assumed was a teenage boy, for checking us out and to “Jimmie
Walker” who kept calling us beautiful. Thank
Every year it gets better, every year we have fun, there’s
always a new story, someone else missing a spot with SPF, a new ‘idiot’ to make the blog and the hope
that one of the angels would get inked to join the rest of us. An annual trip that we all look forward to
that just might be split in seasons…look out winter and next summers ‘party’ is
already planned!