Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Dear Drivers....yes that means you!

Dear Drivers (yes, I’m including all states)
I am a driver, like most people nowadays. I travel the highways, the local roads, I’ve dealt with idiots, morons and the typical Sunday Drivers and decided that now is a great time to say something about them….because I can. In every state that I drive in, I’ll call you out and tell it like it is…because I can. So Dear Drivers….here’s the first installment. I hope you enjoy it (and I hope I can just keep up with the traffic).

In my travels I take Route 78 West home….what I don’t understand is why everyone needs to brake by exit 11. The State Police barracks are across the highway, is a car going to jump the median to catch someone following traffic? They certainly don’t brake going east on my way to work, what’s the difference at 5 pm? Hmm..I have no idea, it only happens on the way home from work, not on the weekends or when I’m traveling off hours. Note to all NJ Drivers at rush hour…Exit 11 on Route 78 West – beware of brake lights for no apparent reason!

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