Sunday, July 13, 2008

Third times a charm?

Instead of doing the typical local yocal gigs last night, we headed east and hit pubs this time, not T&A clubs. When we pulled up to the Ringside Pub I should have known that due to easy street parking the place would be dead on a Saturday night, and by the time the band went on, it was dead. We had a good laugh at the girl who was sitting on stage with the band behind the drummer, as if she was protecting her man from any bra and panty throwers who would crowd the stage. Grandpa who was sitting next to us, ordered a beer and got up and moved, I don’t think he was enjoying the ‘sex in the city’ type conversation we were having. The bartender was at least friendly, she gave us suggestions where to go down the street and off we went. One Landshark, three amigos, a man who looked like John Lennon and Peter Frampton in plaid pj bottoms later we were out of there. The best part at Cloverleaf was having a Landshark aside from a surfer dude in a black wife beater who was piggybacking on my curls. People watching at both places was in high gear, did I tell you that it was still early on a Saturday night and this two man acoustic band wasn’t packing this place either? I will forget to mention this other place we drove past on the way back west which was closed!

Karma was not making this journey easy for us but we pursued on to our final destination for the night, Miami Mikes. When we pulled up the parking lot was packed, the bar wasn’t which gave us two bar stools to sit our frustrated butts down and have another beer and water on the rocks. I had to laugh at the whole night, in fact I’m still laughing about it. At this bar we saw Larry the Cable Guy, Daddy Warbucks, 2 Harold and Kumars and the bartender who had a block head but was very nice. He seemed to get the joke after he asked what he could get for us ladies…and I replied “you don’t have what we want here”. It was all in good fun and I meant it more for her than for me because I was sitting at the bar taking notes in prime fashion. The highlight of the hour was the three guys who came to sit by us who actually spoke to us. But we have a scenario for that, #1) they were from out of state, #2) they were drunk, #3) they were in their 20’s. My girlfriend confirmed that the reason the yocals don’t talk to us is because we are intimidating, and that only drunk 20 year olds have the balls to and buy us drinks. Nothing like shoeless 20 year olds who have jobs selling soap (don’t ask but we didn’t buy any) talking to us at the bar. They at least had socks on, don’t ask, because I didn’t get it either. It beats the ‘jesus shoes’ from a few weeks ago and any of the stink and stenches that we usually get bothered by. At least I’m laughing about it and turning this into a human experiment.

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