Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Full saw me standing alone...

Full Moon last night so I should expect nothing less than a night of absolutely no sleep. WRONG! I was tired, exhausted as a matter of fact, no pills necessary to knock me out. My new cozy flannel sheets did their job in keeping me warm on another chilly night. Yet I woke up this morning in a state of shock…I had a dream, something lasting more than just a snippet of time, in color and with sound. This doesn’t happen often but now I know I had at least 7 hours of sleep and that I slept through the night. Funny thing it was about um…I’m not telling you who, what, where, when and why, all I know is that I didn’t wake up terrified, scared and wondering why did that happen but if anything does happen than I’m back to predicting the future.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Im guessing this dream could've been about stapla chasing you, only to see him beheaded by stalker 1. You then had to watch stalker 1 and Costanza battle to the death, and the winner was rewarded by you saying..Like you ever had a chance.